我们今天所知道的新泽西理工学院有着丰富的历史,它从工业时代开始发展. Like many of the port cities around the world, the Newark of the late 19th century was a thriving industrial center. Its factories churned out thread, metals, paints and leather goods. 在纽瓦克, Thomas Edison set the stage at his Ward Street factory for his later achievements, 爱迪生的竞争对手爱德华·韦斯顿在美国建立了第一家商业生产发电机的工厂.
3月24日, 1880, 艾塞克斯县议员在州立法机关提出了“设立工业教育学校的法案”.” The Newark Board of Trade sponsored the bill. The act established three schools of industrial education: one in Newark, one in Trenton and one in Hoboken. The first Board of Trustees met July 1, 1884. The Newark Technical School opened Monday, 2月9日, 1885, with 88 students who attended despite a terrible snowstorm.
第一节课, 大部分是夜校学生, attended classes in a rented building at 21 West Park Street. Soon the facility became inadequate to house an expanding student body. To meet the needs of the growing school, 第二次筹款活动——该机构的第一次资本活动——启动了,以支持为纽瓦克技术学校建造一座专用大楼. In 1886, under the leadership of the school’s dynamic first director, Dr. 查尔斯一. 科尔顿, 这座三层楼的建筑后来被命名为韦斯顿大厅,以纪念该机构早期的捐助者. A laboratory building, later to be called 科尔顿 Hall, was added to the campus in 1913. 丹尼尔Hodgdon served as the director of Newark Technical School from 1918 to 1920.
在博士. 艾伦R. Cullimore, who led the institution from 1920 to 1949, 简陋的纽瓦克技术学校被改造成纽瓦克工程学院(NCE). Campbell Hall was erected in 1925. During the lean years of the Depression and World War II, only the former Newark Orphan Asylum, 现在是Eberhardt Hall, was purchased and renovated by the college.
In 1946, about 75% of the freshman class had served in the armed forces. 罗伯特W. 从1947年到1950年,范·豪顿一直担任十大网赌平台的代理校长,直到1950年董事会任命他为校长. Cullimore Hall建于1958年,两年后,旧的Weston Hall被夷为平地,取而代之的是现在的七层建筑. Doctoral-level programs were introduced and six years later, in 1966, 一个面积, four-building expansion was completed. William Hazell succeeded Dr. Van Houten as president of NJIT in 1970.
In 1973, with the addition of the New Jersey School of Architecture, the institution had evolved into a technological university, 强调广泛的研究生和本科学位,并致力于重要的研究和公共服务. A stronger-than-ever Newark College of Engineering remained intact, 但一个新的大学名称——新泽西理工学院——标志着该机构扩大了使命.
A broadened mission called for the creation of a residential campus. The opening of NJIT’s first dormitory, 红木堂, in 1979 began a period of steady growth that continues today.
Under the leadership of 扫罗K. 窗口, who served as president of NJIT from 1978 to 2002, four new schools were established at the university: the College of Science and Liberal Arts in 1982; the School of Management in 1988; Albert Dorman Honors College in 1995; and the College of Computing Sciences in 2001. During the administration of 罗伯特一个. Altenkirch, 新泽西建筑学院于2008年重组为建筑与设计学院.
Under the leadership of 乔尔年代. 布鲁姆, NJIT completed the first phase of the Gateway Project in 2013, including the creation of Warren Street Village, 一个3英亩, 混合用途住宅综合体,为十大网赌平台现有的住宅库存增加了600个床位. 该建筑群包括荣誉学院宿舍和五个十大网赌平台希腊组织的复式住宅, as well as dining services, a convenience store and fitness center for the university community.
4月13日, 2017, 200多名学生, 校友, 教师, 大学的教职员和朋友见证了新落成的中央国王大楼的剪彩仪式, 这是校园改造的一部分,旨在增强学生体验,巩固十大网赌平台作为全国领先的公立理工大学之一的地位. On November 10, 2017, NJIT cut the ribbon for the 220,000-square-foot Joel & Diane 布鲁姆 Wellness and Events Center (WEC).
12月11日, 2017, NJIT officially opened its Makerspace, 一个大的, well-equipped space for collaborative design and testing, featuring state-of-the-art machinery, including additive manufacturing equipment; CNC machines; a water jet; machinery for laser cutting, grinding and milling; and 一个大的 assortment of tools, 设备, and metrology and precision measurement appliances. 23,000-square-foot space is used for classes, 设计项目, 团队合作,为车辆和无人机设计领域的全国比赛做准备.
11月9日, 2018, NJIT launched its newest school, the School of Applied Engineering and Technology (SAET), within the university’s Newark College of Engineering. SAET encompasses NCE’s engineering technology programs in two divisions (Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Technology Division and the Built Environment Division); the baccalaureate degree General Engineering program; and a division focused on Engineering Education practice and research. SAET serves about 1,000 NJIT students.
12月5日, 2019, NJIT had a ribbon-cutting ceremony for its Microfabrication Innovation Center (MIC). MIC拥有先进的设备和洁净室环境,为制造微型和非电子以及微流体装置和传感器提供了最先进的设施. 这些设备和传感器将改变一系列领域的技术,并将加速智能设备的开发. In the area of health care, 例如, 生物标志物传感器可以开发,可以与医疗信息系统通信,以支持点护理诊断和治疗干预.
还有约克环境研究中心和生命科学与工程研究中心, MIC是NJIT战略努力的一个组成部分,该战略努力旨在对微芯片和微流体设备进行转化研究,这些设备不仅应用于医疗保健领域, but in environmental technologies and advanced manufacturing.
2022年7月1日,泰克C. 林开始了他作为十大网赌平台第九任校长和第一位有色人种担任校长的任期. 在Lim担任十大网赌平台校长的第一年,该校取得了几项重大成就. 枫大厅, 一个新的500个床位的住宅楼在校园内开放,为学生提供了广泛的设施. 先锋风险投资家约翰·马丁森向十大网赌平台捐赠了300万美元,用于为阿尔伯特·多尔曼荣誉学院(ADHC)和整个大学的顶尖学者拓宽和深化课程和现实世界的经验. This was the largest single gift in the 27 years of ADHC. NJIT welcomes its first-ever chief diversity officer.
总统 | 服务年限 |
查尔斯一. 科尔顿 | 1885 – 1918 |
丹尼尔Hodgdon | 1918 – 1920 |
艾伦R. Cullimore | 1920 – 1947 |
罗伯特W. Van Houten | 1947 – 1970 |
小威廉·哈泽尔. | 1970 – 1975 |
扫罗K. 窗口 | 1978 – 2002 |
罗伯特一个. Altenkirch | 2002 – 2011 |
乔尔年代. 布鲁姆 | 2011 – 2022 |
彭纪德C. Lim | 2022年至今 |
Newark College of Engineering (1919)
J. 罗伯特和芭芭拉. Hillier College of Architecture and Design (1973)
College of Science and Liberal Arts (1982)
Martin Tuchman School of Management (1988)
Albert Dorman Honors College (1994)
Ying Wu College of Computing (2001)